Simply enter a grandparent’s name and a place they lived.
Try StoryScout®—it’s free
Family history search. Simplified.
Family history search. Simplified.
A free Ancestry® account is required to access your stories.
Uncover new stories and
more details.
Uncover new stories and more details.
Personal records such as your ancestors’ passport photos, marriage certificates, and other historical documents can be automatically collected and turned into family stories—giving you a fresh way to see who they were, what they lived through, and how their experiences led to you.
How StoryScout® works:
Simply enter a grandparent’s name and a place they lived.
We’ll show you a list of matches—just choose the one that’s your relative.
Dive into your ancestors’ stories and easily share with friends or family.
Be sure to come back often to see if we’ve found new stories for you.
Take a peek inside StoryScout®.