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Results for "williams"

Name: Frank T Williams

Birth: 8 Aug 1848 Millersburg, Holmes, Ohio, United States

Death: 9 Mar 1921 Swan, Marion, Iowa

Father: George Miller Williams

Mother: Sarah Fisher or Fischer

Name: Annette E. Williams

Birth: 06 Jun 1878 Carrol, Wheatland, Iowa

Death: 12 Apr 1959 Cedar Rapids, , Iowa

Father: Herman Albert KNOBBE

Mother: Elizabeth Olerich

Name: Eugene F Williams

Birth: abt 1861 Illinois

Death: 1944 Dixon, Lee, Illinois, USA

Father: Thomas Williams

Mother: Bridget Callahan

Name: Hewitt B. Williams

Birth: 25 Jun 1926 Indiana, USA

Death: 11 Dec 1983 New Albany, Floyd, Indiana, USA

Father: Chas Williams

Mother: Vada R RICHARD

Name: Lettie Williams

Birth: Abt 1843 Tennessee

Death: 01 Jul 1933 Hampton, Calhoun County, Arkansas

Father: Turner Lloyd

Mother: Lydia Stafford

Name: Raymond Thomas Williams

Birth: 16 Jul 1888 Minnesota

Death: 16 JUN 1967 Winter Park, Florida

Father: Sheldon Raymond Williams

Mother: Annie A Cox

Name: Frank H Williams

Birth: 27 Jun 1900 Montana

Death: Jun 1984 Port Orchard, Kitsap, Washington, USA

Father: ALONZO C Williams

Mother: Elsie Stahl

Name: Amy M Williams

Birth: 21 October 1897 Georgia

Death: 1974 Texarkana, Bowie, Texas, USA

Father: Mansfield Jewitt Williams

Mother: Rose Lee Jenkins

Name: henry franklin williams

Birth: 17 Mar 1905 Oklahoma

Death: 20 Jun 1967 Santa Cruz

Father: A. James Williams

Mother: Ella Mae Loving

Name: George E Williams

Birth: Jan 1888 California

Death: 31 March 1974 Albany, Alameda, California, USA

Father: George Marchant Williams

Mother: Cora Lee Painter

Name: Evelyn Williams

Birth: 21 Jan 1884 Pounding Mill, Tazewell, Virginia, USA

Death: 20 Apr 1958 Richlands, Tazewell, Virginia, USA

Father: William Cyrus Williams

Mother: Octavia Evelyn DAVIS

Name: Sevilla M Williams

Birth: 16 Jan 1845 Ohio

Death: 7 April 1892 Coshocton, Ohio, USA

Father: John R Williams

Mother: Elizabeth Fowler

Name: Nora Williams

Birth: 5 Apr 1890 Jackson County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 6 Sep 1981 Dalton, Whitfield, Georgia, United States

Father: John Alvin Williams

Mother: Martha Samantha KEENER

Name: Cyril S Williams

Birth: 12 Jan 1901 Indiana

Death: Sep 1977 Vincennes, Knox, Indiana, United States

Father: David Riley Williams

Mother: Esther Waters

Name: H Williams

Birth: 1836 Russell, Kentucky, United States

Death: Bef. 02 Jun 1900 Cumberland County, Kentucky, USA

Father: Jonathan "John" Williams

Mother: Jane "Gensie" Antle

Name: Anne Williams

Birth: abt 1843 Llanfairfechan

Death: Oct/Nov/Dec 1905 West Derby Registration District (probably Bootle), Lancashire

Father: David Williams

Mother: Elizabeth Williams

Name: Irma G Williams

Birth: 20 Mar 1909 Pactolus Pit, North Carolina

Death: 29 Aug 1993 Fountain, Pitt, North Carolina, USA

Father: George Clyde Williams

Mother: Ursula 'Sula' Carson

Name: Dean A Williams

Birth: 1 Oct 1881 Osceola Lewis, New York, USA

Death: 1959 ,, New York

Father: Albert Lorenzo Williams

Mother: Emily Silance Crawford

Name: Rachel Minerva Williams

Birth: 03 Mar 1851 Caldwell, North Carolina, USA

Death: 8 May 1919 Lovelady, Caldwell, North Carolina

Father: Jacob C Starnes

Mother: Lydia A. Payne

Name: Marquis Williams

Birth: 1852/10/31 Ewing,Franklin,Illinois,USA

Death: 28 Oct 1925 Ewing, Franklin, Illinois, USA

Father: William Shaw Williams

Mother: Mary Ann Matthews

Name: J C Williams

Birth: 11 Mar 1879 Near present Cushman--Independence Co., AR

Death: 16 July 1959 Oregon, USA

Father: Josiah Williams

Mother: Laura Shaw

Name: Shirley Helen Williams

Birth: 12 Jan 1921 Ogden, Utah, USA

Death: 8 Nov 1960 Lovelock, Pershing, Nevada, USA

Father: Howard C Williams

Mother: Jean Isabel Cole

Name: Nellie Lee Williams

Birth: Jul 5, 1909 Arcadia, Crawford County, KS

Death: Oct 21, 1988 Basehor, Leavenworth County, KS

Father: Andrew Jackson Williams

Mother: Nannie Mundon

Name: Phillip Day Williams


Death: 19 Dec 1934 Napoleon, Lafayette, Missouri, United States

Father: Noah Williams

Mother: Mary DAY

Name: Thomas Pearson WILLIAMS

Birth: 25 NOV 1824 Pickens, , South Carolina, USA

Death: Nov 1871 Pickens, , South Carolina, USA

Father: Jeremiah Williams

Mother: Elizabeth Stanton

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