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Results for "johnson"

Name: Leroy Barnwell Johnson

Birth: 17 MAY 1852 Barnwell District, S. C.

Death: 20 Jul 1891 Aiken Co.SC.

Father: Hiram Johnson

Mother: Rachel Johnson

Name: Andrew Johnson

Birth: 1 Sep 1851 Hancock County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 17 May 1909 Hancock County, Tennessee, USA

Father: Aaron Moses Johnson

Mother: Margaret "Peggy" Buttry

Name: Emma Johnson

Birth: 23 Dec 1896 Tennessee

Death: Nov 1981 El Paso, El Paso, Texas, United States

Father: Stanford E Johnson

Mother: Mary Green Kirby

Name: James V Johnson

Birth: 06 May 1810 Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 17 Jun 1876 Unicoi, Unicoi, Tennessee, United States

Father: Jehu Noel Johnson

Mother: Temperance Stamps

Name: Ezell Johnson

Birth: JUNE 1, 1918 Georgia

Death: 19 Jan 1992 Georgia

Father: Benjamin Johnson

Mother: Alma V Jones

Name: B F Johnson

Birth: 16 Jun 1817 Shelby, Shelby, Alabama, United States

Death: 2 January 1883 Scott Co., AR

Father: Col. Johnson

Mother: Frances (Fanny) Massey

Name: Marie Virginia Johnson

Birth: 2 Jun 1881 Hebron, Wicomico, Maryland

Death: 14 Oct 1951 Delmar, Sussex, Delaware

Father: Thomas H. Johnson

Mother: Georgianna Johnson

Name: Edward Lawrence Johnson

Birth: 25 Feb 1896 Glen Cove, Nassau, New York, USA

Death: 4 Aug 1963 Glen Cove, Nassau, New York, United States

Father: Albert Johnson

Mother: Amelia E Tilley

Name: Frank Samuel Johnson

Birth: 1 Aug 1888 Stanwood, Cedar, Iowa, USA

Death: 14 Feb 1978 Seattle, King, Washington, United States

Father: William Fremont Johnson

Mother: Sarah Margaret Ure

Name: Flora E Johnson

Birth: 1863 Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, USA,

Death: 1 Feb 1928 Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado, USA

Father: Wilson Johnston

Mother: Rachel Jones

Name: Myrtle Johnson

Birth: 4 Oct 1918 Kentucky

Death: 12 Sep 2004 Ohio

Father: Iva Murry Johnson

Mother: Myrta Williamson

Name: Ernest Johnson

Birth: 5 Oct 1898 Mecosta County, Michigan, USA

Death: 26 Jul 1981 Washington

Father: August Johnson

Mother: Blanche May Fountain

Name: Luther Franklin Johnson

Birth: 26 Feb 1920 Craighead County, Arkansas, USA

Death: 30 Jan 2005 Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansas, USA

Father: John Andy Johnson

Mother: Jessie Vaye Trucks

Name: Sarah Johnson

Birth: 1858 Mississippi, USA

Death: 15 Dec 1935 Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA

Father: William N Walton

Mother: Mary Ann Miller

Name: Roy Earl Johnson

Birth: Sept 1881 Town of Adams, Jefferson, NY

Death: 24 Sep 1947 Pulaski, Oswego, New York, USA

Father: Frank Everett Johnson

Mother: Mary Abigail Dodge

Name: Christian Francis Johnson

Birth: 26 January 1878 Germany

Death: September 1943 Missouri, USA

Father: Carl Johnson

Mother: Dorothy Anna Fraech

Name: Lorrayne Mary Johnson

Birth: abt 1912 Lansing, Allamakee, Iowa, USA

Death: July 15, 1998 Lansing, Allamakee, Iowa, USA

Father: Agnes Magdelene Guider-Johnson

Mother: Carl Thorvald Johnson

Name: Walter Reinhold Johnson

Birth: 16 Apr 1898 Iowa

Death: Sep 1983 Ogden, Boone, Iowa, USA

Father: Johan Johnson

Mother: Vendla Maria Pihl

Name: Leath Ruth Johnson

Birth: 18 Sep 1908 Sacramento, CA

Death: 21 Jan 1999 Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, California, United States of America

Father: Harry Homer Johnson

Mother: Susie Cress

Name: Letha Faith Johnson

Birth: 27 March 1921 Arkansas

Death: 02/04/1995 West Monroe, Ouachita, Louisiana, USA

Father: Ed Johnson

Mother: Cora Mamie Wilson

Name: Hilma JOHNSON

Birth: 17 Jan 1885 Green Valley, Shawano, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 11 November 1958 Wittenberg, Shawano County, Wisconsin, USA

Father: John Albert Johnson

Mother: Anna Isaacson

Name: John August Johnson

Birth: 30 Jan 1862 Fargelanda, Västra Götalands län, Sweden

Death: 29 May 1923 Superior, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Jonas Johannesson

Mother: Karolina Andersdotter

Name: Stoshia Johnson

Birth: 1 Feb 1893 Tennessee, USA

Death: 15 Feb 1969 Barberton, Summit, Ohio, USA

Father: John Henry Johnson

Mother: Julia Ann Miller

Name: David Johnson

Birth: APR 1898 Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa

Death: 14 Jul 1994 Granger, Dallas, Iowa, USA

Father: Edward A Johnson

Mother: Clara Sophia Goodson

Name: Willie James Johnson

Birth: 6 Mar 1933 Breton AL

Death: abt 2000 Pensacola FL

Father: Pete James Rogers

Mother: Carry P Johnson

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