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Results for "brown"

Name: Rube Henderson Brown

Birth: 24 Oct. 1879 Sabine County, Texas, USA

Death: 29 Dec. 1950 Lubbock, Lubbock Co, Texas

Father: Morgan McCullough Brown

Mother: Margaret Ann Oliver

Name: Dean William Brown

Birth: 9 Jul 1923 Shulls Mills , Watauga , North Carolina USA

Death: 3/11/1966 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA



Name: Carlie Morgan Brown

Birth: 05 Sep 1882 GA

Death: 1948 Winter Haven, Polk County, Florida, USA

Father: Morgan Luther Brown

Mother: Anna L Harnage

Name: Sally Brown

Birth: 4 Feb 1801 Plymouth, Windsor, Vermont, USA

Death: 05 Jul 1884 Hampden, Columbia, Wisconsin, United States

Father: Israel Putnam BROWN

Mother: Sally Briggs

Name: Rose/Rosa Elthear Brown

Birth: 27 Apr 1861 Wayne County Damascus Township, Pennsylvania

Death: 13 Aug 1935 Damascus, Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Daniel Pretus Brown Sr. 3xGGF

Mother: Catherine Sarah Sherwood 3xGGM

Name: Joseph Brown

Birth: 8 Oct 1844 Ohio

Death: 25 Sep1915 Vernon County, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Mark Brown

Mother: Elizabeth Hardman

Name: Robert Elroy Brown

Birth: Oct 1911 Washington, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: Feb 1990 Mohave, Arizona, United States

Father: Robert Ellsworth Brown

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Cummins

Name: Carless Oscar Brown

Birth: March 1898 Douglas County, Missouri

Death: 14 May 1950 Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington

Father: Rev Brown

Mother: Martha Alice Forrest

Name: Rebecca Rose BROWN

Birth: 22 Jan 1820 , Washington, Tennessee, USA

Death: 10 Jun 1898 Washington County, Tennessee, USA

Father: William BROWN

Mother: Susannah Savannah Nelson

Name: Alice Brown

Birth: Apr 1865 New York, USA

Death: 24 Aug 1949 Swissdale, Clinton, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Charles Stewart Brown

Mother: Mary Ann Bogart

Name: John W Brown

Birth: 25 December 1847 Calhoun County, Alabama, United States of America

Death: 8 Mar 1904 Cleburne Co, AL


Mother: Elizabeth Hooper


Birth: 08/02/1917 NEEDLES, CALIFORNIA

Death: 2//2//1954 North Hollywood, California, USA

Father: Samuel Lehman Brown

Mother: May Belle Mc Lain

Name: Samuel Brown

Birth: 10 Feb 1880 Triadelphia, Ohio, West Virginia, USA

Death: Nov 1971 Rayland, Jefferson, Ohio, USA

Father: James Brown

Mother: Rachel Melonia Hummel

Name: Sarah Ann Brown

Birth: 1841 Illinois

Death: 27 Apr 1923 Trivoli, Peoria County, Illinois

Father: Cunningham Brown

Mother: Mary Ann Lake

Name: John Brown

Birth: 1801 Virginia, United States

Death: 15 Aug 1880 Charlestown, West Virginia, United States

Father: Israel Brown

Mother: Mary Sarah McLaughlin

Name: James Henry Brown

Birth: Abt. 1924 Prince George County, Virginia

Death: June 2, 2003 Petersburg, VA

Father: Samuel Brown

Mother: Inez Virginia Brown

Name: Harley Brown

Birth: 30 Jun 1868 Keokuk, Iowa, USA

Death: 5 Mar 1941 Salina, Mayes, Oklahoma, United States

Father: William R Brown

Mother: Leah Garber

Name: Charles H. Brown

Birth: Dec 1847 Vermont

Death: 3 Jan 1933 Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, USA

Father: Samuel Harrison Brown

Mother: Fanny Fales

Name: Josiah William Brown

Birth: abt 1810 Isle of Sheppey, Sheerness, Kent, England

Death: January 1877 Shoreditch, London

Father: William Brown

Mother: Susanah Mathews

Name: George Brown

Birth: c 1835 Wellow, Nottinghamshire

Death: Jan 1922 Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England

Father: Samuel Brown

Mother: Emma Whittington

Name: Sophronia Edmond Brown

Birth: 9/FEB/1818 , , Virginia, USA

Death: 12 Jun 1902 Madison, Alabama, United States

Father: Thomas Brown

Mother: Mary

Name: William H Brown

Birth: 3 Mar 1860 Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States

Death: 3 Mar 1951 Lauderdale, Mississippi, United States

Father: William Brown

Mother: Sarah Ann Dollar

Name: James Leonard Brown

Birth: 8 Feb 1832 Kentucky, USA

Death: 11/16, 1900 Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky, USA

Father: Abraham Smith Brown

Mother: Nancy M Carson

Name: Paul Reuben Brown

Birth: abt 1859 Pennsylvania

Death: 9 November 1941 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Henry Brown

Mother: Adaline R Peters


Birth: 25 April 1895 Missouri

Death: 19 Nov 1971 San Leandro, Alameda, California

Father: William Jasper Brown

Mother: Laura PAINTER

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