Source Information

New York State Archives New York, U.S., Spanish-American War Military and Naval Service Records, 1898-1902 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.Original data: Abstracts of Spanish-American War Military and Naval Service Records, 1898–1902. Series B0809 (34 volumes). New York (State). Adjutant General's Office. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.About New York, U.S., Spanish-American War Military and Naval Service Records, 1898-1902
This database contains index cards listing details extracted from federal military service records for New York soldiers during the Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the “Boxer Rebellion” in China. They were created by the New York Adjutant General through the Bureau of War Records, and are organized into subseries for U.S. Army officers, U.S. Navy, U.S. Enlisted Army, and U.S. Marine Corps.
Details on the cards can include:
- soldier's name
- rank, company, and regiment at enlistment
- enlistment date and place
- residence at time of enlistment
- names of organizations served in
- ranks held during service
- engagements
- wounds received
- date, cause, and rank held at separation from service
- last served in
- birthplace
- age at enlistment
- occupation
- physical description
- remarks