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About U.S., Order Sons of Italy in America News, 1953-1995
This is a collection of the Order Sons of Italy in America’s monthly newspaper between 1953-1995.
The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) or L’Ordine Figli d’Italia in America has as its mission “to serve as the leading organizational voice on behalf of the cultural, social, political and economic issues of importance to Americans of Italian heritage.” The national order has 19 state or regional chapters with more than 650 local chapters throughout the United States. It was formed in New York City in June of 1905 to create a support system for Italian immigrants that included help for education, citizenship, and their health.
The monthly newspaper OSIA News contains major events over the past month involving OSIA. It also covers happenings in specific local chapters, as well as women of note within OSIA. The newspaper was printed for members up until 1995.
This database can be browsed by publication month and year.
The website can be found at