Source Information
About North Carolina, U.S., Birth Indexes, 1800-2000
This database is an index to almost 7 million births and deaths occurring in North Carolina between 1913 and 2000. Delayed births are included as well and extended as early as 1800. For a list of the counties and years covered in this database, please see the bottom of this page. Information contained in this index includes:
- Child's full name
- Gender
- Race or color
- Birth date
- Birthplace
- Occasionally one or both of the parents' names
- Source information (usually includes a book or volume number and page number. Sometimes a certificate number will also be listed.)
With the information provided in this index, you may be able to obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate. If possible, it is important that you do this because often more information is provided in an original record than is provided in its index. For information on how to order a copy of a birth certificate, visit the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Vital Records Division website. However, only post-1913 certificates are available from this institution. Pre-1913 birth and death records must be obtained from the Register of Deeds in the county in which the birth occurred.
On 10 March 1913, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified an act requiring the registration of births and deaths in the state; virtually full compliance was achieved by 1920, with some delayed birth records for earlier dates eventually added. The indexes to these records are available in the county where the event took place or on microfilm at the North Carolina State Archives and the Family History Library.
Original copies of birth and death certificates can be obtained from Department of Environmental, Health and Natural Resources, Vital Records Section, P.O. Box 29537, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626. The register of deeds in the county where the birth was filed also may be able to provide a copy of the birth certificate.
Taken from Cerny, Johni and Gareth L. Mark. "North Carolina," in Ancestry's Red Book, ed. Alice Eichholz. (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1992).
This list shows the counties and year ranges covered in this index. Delayed births are also included in this index but the years those cover are not represented in this list. Delayed births extend back into the eighteenth century.
County | Years | County | Years |
Alamance | 1913-1983 | Jones | 1914-1981 |
Alexander | 1913-2000 | Lee | 1913-1987 |
Alleghany | 1859-1989 | Lenoir | 1913-1999 |
Anson | 1913-1982 | Lincoln | 1913-1991 |
Ashe | 1846-1998 | Macon | 1913-1979 |
Avery | 1914-1998 | Madison | 1913-1993 |
Beaufort | 1913-1980 | Martin | 1913-1993 |
Bertie | 1914-1979 | McDowell | 1914-1985 |
Bladen | 1900-1990 | Mecklenburg | 1913-1947 |
Brunswick | 1914-1998 | Mitchell | 1913-1992 |
Buncombe | 1913-1977 | Montgomery | 1913-1981 |
Burke | 1913-1978 | Moore | 1913-1999 |
Cabarrus | 1914-1981 | Nash | 1913-1987 |
Caldwell | 1914-1980 | New Hanover | 1913-1998 |
Camden | 1913-1982 | Northampton | 1913-1995 |
Carteret | 1913-1998 | Onslow | 1914-1995 |
Caswell | 1913-1995 | Orange | 1913-1961 |
Catawba | 1913-1979 | Pamlico | 1913-1981 |
Chatham | 1913-1999 | Pasquotank | 1903-1994 |
Cherokee | 1913-1945 | Pender | 1913-1998 |
Chowan | 1913-1993 | Perquimans | 1913-1995 |
Clay | 1913-1985 | Person | 1913-1986 |
Cleveland | 1913-1977 | Pitt | 1913-1992 |
Columbus | 1913-1997 | Polk | 1913-1994 |
Craven | 1914-1996 | Randolph | 1913-1981 |
Cumberland | 1913-1973 | Richmond | 1914-1995 |
Currituck | 1914-1983 | Robeson | 1913-1983 |
Davidson | 1914-1980 | Rockingham | 1913-2000 |
Davie | 1918-1980 | Rowan | 1913-1972 |
Duplin | 1913-1981 | Rutherford | 1914-1993 |
Edgecombe | 1914-1987 | Sampson | 1914-1989 |
Franklin | 1913-1995 | Scotland | 1913-1976 |
Gaston | 1913-1991 | Stanly | 1913-1993 |
Gates | 1871-1995 | Stokes | 1913-1994 |
Graham | 1913-1979 | Swain | Various |
Granville | 1914-1990 | Surry | 1913-1994 |
Greene | 1913-1999 | Transylvania | 1913-1995 |
Guilford | 1913-1981 | Tyrrell | 1913-1986 |
Halifax | 1913-1999 | Union | 1913-1981 |
Harnett | 1914-1998 | Vance | 1913-1997 |
Haywood | 1913-1978 | Warren | 1914-1991 |
Henderson | 1914-2000 | Washington | 1913-1985 |
Hertford | 1913-1994 | Watauga | 1914-1984 |
Hoke | 1913-1983 | Wayne | 1913-1986 |
Hyde | 1913-1975 | Wilkes | 1913-1994 |
Iredell | 1913-1981 | Wilson | 1913-1988 |
Jackson | 1913-1992 | Yadkin | 1914-1995 |
Johnston | 1913-1988 | Yancey | 1913-1986 |
Note: In some parts of this index, the county was recorded as a numeric code. In these cases, when you view the image, you will see the county written in that way. For your reference, the county code translation table is provided below:
County | Code | County | Code | County | Code | County | Code |
Alamance | 1 | Cumberland | 26 | Johnston | 51 | Randolph | 76 |
Alexander | 2 | Currituck | 27 | Jones | 52 | Richmond | 77 |
Alleghany | 3 | Dare | 28 | Lee | 53 | Robeson | 78 |
Anson | 4 | Davidson | 29 | Lenoir | 54 | Rockingham | 79 |
Ashe | 5 | Davie | 30 | Lincoln | 55 | Rowan | 80 |
Avery | 6 | Duplin | 31 | Macon | 57 | Rutherford | 81 |
Beaufort | 7 | Durham | 32 | Madison | 58 | Sampson | 82 |
Bertie | 8 | Edgecombe | 33 | Martin | 59 | Scotland | 83 |
Bladen | 9 | Forsyth | 34 | McDowell | 56 | Stanly | 84 |
Brunswick | 10 | Franklin | 35 | Mecklenburg | 60 | Stokes | 85 |
Buncombe | 11 | Gaston | 36 | Mitchell | 61 | Surry | 86 |
Burke | 12 | Gates | 37 | Montgomery | 62 | Swain | 87 |
Cabarrus | 13 | Graham | 38 | Moore | 63 | Transylvania | 88 |
Caldwell | 14 | Granville | 39 | Nash | 64 | Tyrrell | 89 |
Camden | 15 | Greene | 40 | New Hanover | 65 | Union | 90 |
Carteret | 16 | Guilford | 41 | Northampton | 66 | Vance | 91 |
Caswell | 17 | Halifax | 42 | Onslow | 67 | Wake | 92 |
Catawba | 18 | Harnett | 43 | Orange | 68 | Warren | 93 |
Chatham | 19 | Haywood | 44 | Pamlico | 69 | Washington | 94 |
Cherokee | 20 | Henderson | 45 | Pasquotank | 70 | Watauga | 95 |
Chowan | 21 | Hertford | 46 | Pender | 71 | Wayne | 96 |
Clay | 22 | Hoke | 47 | Perquimans | 72 | Wilkes | 97 |
Cleveland | 23 | Hyde | 48 | Person | 73 | Wilson | 98 |
Columbus | 24 | Iredell | 49 | Pitt | 74 | Yadkin | 99 |
Craven | 25 | Jackson | 50 | Polk | 75 | Yancey | 100 |