Of course you know how old you are. But wouldn't it be fascinating to find out exactly how old? As in up to the day, hour, minute, or even second? It would be truly special to celebrate your 10,000–day birthday. And imagine the party you'd have in honor of your 1 billionth second on Earth! Well, if you were born in 1988 or so, that moment is almost here, so it's time to start planning! Don't wait for another second—try the age calculator now.
Fill in as much as you know about your exact date and time of birth.
32 years or 384 months or 1,536 weeks or 10,752 days or 258,048 hrs or 15,482,000 mins or 928,970,208 secs
Now that you know EXACTLY how old you are, let's take a closer look at what it all means.
The sun has risen -
times in your lifetime.
You've slept about 1/3 of
your life—or - hours.
If you live to the age of 100,
you'll likely blink more than
1 billion times!
In the old days, people lived their lives a whole lot differently than they do today. For instance, 100 years ago (876,000 hours ago to be precise), a 32-year old woman might already be a grandmother—and a 14-year old boy would likely be in the workforce! So…what about your own ancestors? Have you ever wondered what their lives were like?
Now, there’s an easy way to learn about the lives of the people that came before you. With Ancestry, you can search your very own family history records—for FREE. You might find out who your ancestors were, where they lived, and what they were doing at any given age.
So, the next time you ask yourself, “how old am I?”, think about the life you’re currently living—and how different it might have been 100, 500, or even 1,000 years ago.